Team Features Overview

Converting to a team account is a permanent change. You cannot revert back to a personal account once upgraded.

Member Management

Invite and manage up to 50 team members

Role Assignment

Control access with granular permissions

Usage Analytics

Track resource usage per team member

Team Roles

Inviting Team Members

Navigate to Dashboard

  1. Visit
  2. Sign in to your account

Access Profile Settings

  1. Click the Account dropdown in top navigation
  2. Select “Profile” from the menu

Open Members Tab

  1. Navigate to the Members tab
  2. View current team members and pending invitations

Send Invitation

  1. Click “Invite Member” button
  2. Enter member’s email address
  3. Select appropriate role
  4. Click “Send Invitation”

Step 1: Click Invite Member button

Step 2: Fill in member details

Step 3: Confirm and send invitation

Managing Team Members

Editing Member Roles

Access Member Settings

  1. Find member in the team list
  2. Click the settings icon (⚙️) next to their name

Update Role

  1. Select “Edit Role” from the menu
  2. Choose the new role from the dropdown
  3. Click “Save” to apply changes

Removing Members

Initiate Member Removal

  1. Locate the member you want to remove
  2. Click the settings icon (⚙️)
  3. Select “Remove” from the menu

Confirm Removal

  1. Review the removal confirmation
  2. Click “Confirm” to remove the member
  3. Member will lose access immediately

Audit Logs

Only Owner and Admin roles can access audit logs to track team activities.

Track important actions:

  • Member management
  • Role changes
  • Resource access
  • Settings modifications

Team members must log out and back in for role changes to take effect.

Need Help?

For team-related support, contact our support team