Enabling an Assistant

Navigate to Playground

  1. Open your browser
  2. Visit Taam Cloud Playground
  3. Sign in if needed

Open Discover Menu

  1. Locate the playground side menu
  2. Click the “Discover” button
  3. Wait for menu to load

Access Assistants

  1. In the Discover menu
  2. Click “Assistants”
  3. Browse available options

Select Assistant

  1. Browse assistant catalog
  2. Review capabilities
  3. Choose desired assistant

Enable Assistant

  1. Click “Add Assistant and Converse”
  2. Wait for confirmation
  3. Redirect to chat interface

Use in Chat Interface

  1. Assistant is now active in chat
  2. Type your first message
  3. Assistant responds based on its configuration
  4. Use specialized commands if available

The assistant will maintain its specialized capabilities and context throughout the conversation.

Available Assistants

Writing Assistant

  • Content creation
  • Editing & proofreading
  • Style adaptation

Code Assistant

  • Programming help
  • Code review
  • Debugging assistance

Data Analyst

  • Data interpretation
  • Statistical analysis
  • Visualization suggestions

Research Assistant

  • Literature review
  • Information gathering
  • Citation management


Changes to assistant settings take effect immediately in new conversations.

Some assistants may require specific model access or additional credits.

Next Steps