
Taam Cloud’s knowledge base feature enables intelligent conversations with your uploaded files and custom knowledge sources.

Creating a Knowledge Base

Navigate to Files

  1. Go to Playground
  2. Click Files icon in the side menu

Create New Base

  1. Click the Add icon (+)
  2. Select “New Knowledge Base”

Configure Base

  1. Enter knowledge base name
  2. Add description (optional)
  3. Click Create button

Upload Content

  1. Open the new knowledge base
  2. Click Upload or drag files
  3. Select files or folders to add

Process Files

  1. Wait for processing
  2. Review uploaded files
  3. Check indexing status

File Management

File Preview

Access File Preview

Preview supported files directly in the interface:

Supported Formats

  • PDF documents
  • Excel spreadsheets
  • Word documents
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Plain text files

File Processing

Using Your Knowledge Base

Access in Chat

  1. Return to chat interface
  2. Click knowledge base icon
  3. Select your base from list

Query Content

  1. Type your questions
  2. AI references your files
  3. Get contextual responses

The AI will now include information from your knowledge base when responding to relevant queries.

Future Enhancements

Audio Processing

  • Speech-to-text conversion
  • Audio content analysis
  • Transcript generation

Visual Understanding

  • Image content extraction
  • Visual context analysis
  • Multi-modal integration

Knowledge base processing may affect credit consumption based on file size and complexity.

Next Steps